5D Health Protection Group limited

multi award winning microbiology laboratory

Scientific Testing Services

Global Scientific Services

5D is a globally leading independent and innovative contract scientific testing and research focused organisation. We have over 28 years experience in delivering scientific excellence. We specialise in the field of microbiology, with a focus on biofilms and antimicrobial agents. Our expertise, as a solutions provider, reaches across traditional boundaries – we are as likely to be working with, and alongside academics as we are to be collaborating with a business to evaluate a new product or help in the reinvigoration of an existing product or support R&D in their innovation programs. Our very high quality and highly accomplished PhD scientists and customer relationship management skills distinguishes us from other contract laboratory services provider. Therefore, for any of your scientific testing needs, you can be assured that you will receive very high quality, reliable, innovative and cost-effective solutions. We provide additional scientific services to those we offer on the website so please contact us on other areas that are necessary for you.

Customers Have Direct Access to Our Team of Highly Skilled Scientists - Operating From Our State-of-the-Art Laboratories

5D Scientific Testing

5D provide a comprehensive range of contract scientific testing services including microbiology, biofilms, virology, antimicrobial and antibiofilm efficacy testing, biologics, biomaterials and cell culture. We support all sizes of organisations from start-ups to global multinationals. We offer industry leading expertise and recognise the importance of a quick turnaround for all customer projects. At each stage in any customer project, we always maintain exceptionally high standards in both the customer experience, the testing services and the reports we produce. Consequently, we have a very large loyal customer base, that continue to utilise our services regularly and an exceptional customer satisfaction record. Our expert PhD scientists have all spent significant amounts of time working in industry, academic and public health bodies prior to joining 5D and are continually expanding their skill sets through personal development. Our scientists are all regularly and routinely evaluating medical devices in our laboratories for global customers.

We Are The Perfect Platform To Support Your Business

5D Scientific Testing Areas

The main areas of our testing service offerings are highlighted below.

Microbiology Testing

Many industries require certified microbiology testing services in order to protect products, processes as well as human health. Problematic microbes exist in a free floating or an attached state, often as a biofilm. Both these phenotypic states of microbial growth represent a concern to public health. Contaminating microbes include bacteria, fungi, yeasts and viruses. In general, most microorganisms that humans come into contact with are harmless. However, there are many microbes which are well known to cause contamination of products during and after production and, in healthcare, represent a high risk to human health. Our leading independent world-class certified microbiology and biofilm testing services are being utilised by many different industries globally. For more information please see our microbiology and biofilm pages.

Biofilm Detection and Antibiofilm Efficacy Testing

Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and yeast can exist as free floating or planktonic entities or they can attach to a biotic or abiotic surface (or each other) to form a biofilm. Within a biofilm, a community of microorganisms, growing as a monoculture or a mixed culture, become encased in an extracellular matrix composed of polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, metal ions and extracellular DNA called EPS (extracellular polymeric substance). In nature, over 90% of microorganisms exist within a biofilm. When microorganisms grow within a biofilm, they are reported to be significantly more tolerant to antimicrobial agents, including antibiotics, and the host’s immune system when compared to their planktonic counterparts. To help with evaluating the efficacy of technologies against the prevention and control of biofilms 5D have validated a large number of standard biofilm testing models and methods. We have also developed and validated a large number of customised biofilm models for customers that require models to mimic their specific industrial sector and need.

Virology and Virucidal Efficacy Testing

5D offer and undertake antiviral testing for customers utilising in vitro models only. Our virucidal efficacy testing can be carried out in a range of in vitro models as required by our customers. Some 5D standard models that are employed to evaluate the efficacy of antimicrobials on viruses include the suspension tests and hard surface carrier tests. Numerous different methods are employed including neutral red assays, microscopic cytopathic effects (CPE) assays and virus yield reduction assays. These and an array of further methods and assays are used routinely to evaluate products such as household and industrial disinfectants. In addition, to evaluate the efficacy of actives on viruses, 5D also offer viral barrier testing for wound dressing evaluation and for testing materials that are being evaluated during the selection and innovation of new medical devices. Viral barrier testing is used to evaluate if a technology is impermeable to viruses. This method is often appropriate for evaluating the viral barrier property of materials used in wound dressings or personal protective equipment (PPE).

Cell Biology

Our interdisciplinary team of PhD scientists are highly experienced in the analysis of cells and the effects that different products and materials may have on them. We have a large library of different cell types that can be utilised by our customers. Due to our extensive knowledge in cell culturing and tissue engineering, we can apply these skills to help in supporting our customers products and also help to speed up the time taken to evaluate a product during feasibility, development and after commercialisation. 

5D offer many different tests that can be applied to medical devices, actives and antimicrobials. In particular, we are able to offer biocompatibility testing of medical devices. We offer both standard and modified tests in line ISO 10993. ISO 10993 sets down a list of guidelines for the assessment of medical devices prior to a medical device coming to market. Cytotoxicity testing is one of the in vitro screening tests to investigate the effects of medical devices on cellular growth, cellular reproduction and the effects on cellular morphology.


Biologics, biopharmaceutical or biological products are generally produced by living organisms or components of living organisms. Essentially, it is the application of biotechnology to medicine. Biological products are produced by many things may including cells, tissues, proteins, sugars, nucleic acids, microorganisms or combinations of each. We work on many areas in the biologics field particularly in the interdisciplinary field of regenerative medicine.

We are also highly knowledgeable in prebiotics and probiotics and applications in skin and wound care. Medical devices such as tissue scaffolds, often composed of the extracellular matrix, and cell based therapies form an important element of regenerative therapies. The development of regenerative technologies and products requires specialised support from scientists with knowledge in this area. Our biologics analysis and development scientific support services are here to support you. Our experience spans many areas including skin, bone, biomaterials and stem cell technology.

Biomaterial and Medical Device Evaluation and Testing

We provide a vast array of different biomaterial tests and assays. We have extensive skills in evaluating the performance of different materials including as examples collagens, fibrous materials including woven and non-woven such as alginates and carboxymethylcellulose, cyanoacrylates, polyurethane foams, hydrogels, adhesives, superabsorbants, probiotics, hydrocolloids, polyurethanes and silicones.

Pre-clinical and Clinical Trials

Preclinical or in vitro studies are procedures and tests that allow for the development of data that can be used to help support the safety and efficacy of medical devices. Preclinical and in vitro studies are generally required before clinical trials and case studies are undertaken.

The optimisation of preclinical studies can help to maximise the potential success of the clinical evaluation of a device. 

We Employ our Knowledge and Skills In Many Different Industry Sectors

Sectors Where We Operate

Our certified microbiology and contract scientific testing services are always tailored to meet customers’ specific needs and advance understanding. We can prove adherence of technologies to standards and help to push forward the research and innovation of new technologies. We are globally recognised for our proficiency in the following sectors below:

  • Medical Devices
  • Wound Care (Acute and Chronic Wounds)
  • Skin Products (Cosmetics and Personal Care including Consumer Wellness)
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Oral Care and Dentistry
  • Healthcare(Infection Prevention and Control)
  • Industrial and Engineered Systems
  • Food and Drink

Medical Devices

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines a medical device as "any instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, appliance, implant, reagent for in vitro use, software, material or other similar or related article, intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings, for one or more of the specific medical purpose(s) of: diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease; diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury; investigation, replacement, modification, or support of the anatomy or of a physiological process; supporting or sustaining life; disinfection of medical devices; providing information by means of in vitro examination of specimens derived from the human body; and does not achieve its primary intended action by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means." At 5D we have extensive skills in evaluating the performance of medical devices including as examples orthopaedic devices, catheters, wound dressings, contact lenses, stents, dental biomaterials, creams, lotions and bioabsorbable devices.

Woundcare Products

We have significant experience in the scientific testing (including the physical and chemical qualities) of products used for treating acute and chronic wounds. These include fibrous materials (wovens and non-wovens), hydrogels, foams, hydrocolloids, superabsorbants, antimicrobials, antibiofilm agents, topical agents and wound irrigating solutions. We are also able to undertake an array of different chemical, physical and microbiological analysis of raw materials, prototype wound dressings aswell as finished products. Our testing services have been used to evaluate the efficacy and performance of wound dressing materials and biomaterials including alginates, gauzes, chitosan, carboxymethylcellulose, collagens, superabsorbants, hydrogels, polyurethane foams and hydrocolloids. Other technologies we have undertaken testing on include topical wound agents, dressing removal agents, non-antimicrobial and antimicrobial-based dressings, enzymatic systems, debriding and desloughing technologies and negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) devices.

Skincare and Cosmetics

At 5D we have extensive expertise in claim support and product release for both the cosmetic, consumer wellness and personal care industries. We also have skills and knowledge in over the counter (OTC) products. In particular we carry out testing for companies to assist them with compliance with the EC Regulation 1223/2009 on cosmetics which is the main regulatory framework for cosmetic products that are to be put into the EU market place. This regulation includes preservative efficacy testing, stability and batch release testing. Compliance to this standard is important in order to protect the health and safety of the consumer. We also support our customers at all the stages involved in the product development process. We assist companies in evaluating the performance of products such as moisturisers, lotions, gels, peptides, pre and probiotics and antimicrobials. For further information regarding the scientific services we offer for the skin care industry please see our microbiology, biofilms, cell biology and biologics sections.

Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary medicine concentrates on the prevention and treatment of infections and diseases in animals. However, it also deals with animal husbandry, the breeding and rearing of animals as well as the products employed to assist with an animals wellbeing and welfare. 5D offer and cover a wide range of scientific testing services that are employed in reference to veterinary medicine. Our veterinary microbiology services are used widely as we provide a wide range of testing services associated with bacteriology, mycology, molecular diagnostics and bacterial surveillance. We also provide many other services including antibiofilm testing, material efficacy testing, antimicrobial susceptibility testing such as the minimum inhibitory concentration (MICs) by broth microdilution and disc diffusion or zone of inhibition assays. 

For further information about the compete services we offer, please see the microbiology, virology, biologics, infection prevention and control and the medical device testing sections in the website pages.

Oral Care and Dentistry

5D offer a range of dental testing methods including oral biofilm assays and ISO 16954: Dental Unit Waterlines Testing. We undertake performance and biocompatibility testing of products such as toothpastes, mouth washes, probiotics and an array of different dental biomaterials.


A hospital-acquired infection (HAI) is an infection acquired from a hospital environment. For example these are often acquired by a patient during a hospital visit. The most common HAI include those caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Clostridium difficile and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE). The six most common types of healthcare-associated infections, which are reported to account for more than 80% of all healthcare-associated infections, include pneumonia and other respiratory infections, surgical site infections, urinary tract infections, clinical sepsis, gastrointestinal infections and bloodstream infections.

Infection Prevention and Control

Biocides include disinfectants and antiseptics that are found in such products as surface disinfectants, hand washes, antimicrobial soaps, surface wipes, wall and floor coatings. In the 5D laboratories we offer an array of different services including determining the efficacy of antimicrobials and antibiotics using a wide range of different standard and customised test methods and assays. Antimicrobial and antibiofilm testing supports products used in the prevention and control of infections in healthcare settings and also in the community. Antimicrobial and antibiofilm testing methods ascertain the activity of antimicrobial agents under specified conditions. Examples of some standards we routinely employ for testing the efficacy of antimicrobial agents include carrier tests, log reduction assay, time of kill assays, suspension tests and in-use testing. Other tests include BS EN 1276 and BS EN 13704, which evaluate the bactericidal and sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants, respectively. These test methods can be used for products within the food, industrial, domestic and institutional industries.

Industrial and Engineered Systems

Microbial contamination, biofilms and biofouling in water systems is a global public health problem. Microbial infections that have originated from within water treatment plants in particular pose a wide spread health risk to the population. When problematic microbes become housed within biofilms, they can prove exceptionally difficult to remove. For example, biofilm formation on the hulls of ships cost the shipping industries billions of dollars. Biofilm growth increases the ships drag, resulting in extra fuel to combat this issue. Within potable water pipes biofilms often slough off into the main water flow and lead to public health issues if not monitored and managed correctly. By evaluating the performance of disinfectants that are used within potable and industrial water within in vitro models this helps to gain an understanding of their performance when used at in use concentrations and the variables that effect efficacy. 5D evaluate the efficacy of biocides, antimicrobial surfaces, paints and other antimicrobial products in order to investigate their ability to prevent and remove both planktonic and biofilm encased microbial populations.

Food and Drink

Our extensive range of microbiology testing can be found in our scientific services section. Briefly, our microbiology testing specific for the food and drink industry include pathogen detection and microbial enumeration. 

The main opportunistic pathogens we are able to detect include Salmonella, Listeria, Shigella, Vibrio, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Escherichia coli. However, for enumeration we are also able to undertake total viable counts, yeast and mould counts, and enumeration of total coliforms, E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Clostridium perfringens and Staphylococcus aureus  in particular.

In addition, we undertake microbiology testing in relation to shelf-life evaluation of products, water testing, environmental monitoring and disinfectant testing. We can offer both traditional and rapid test methods for an array of different samples including environmental swabs, bottled water, potable water, reprocessed water, vegetables and salads, ready to eat foods and soft drinks.

5D Is A Total Solution Provider For All Your Scientific Needs

5D - A Total Solution Provider

As well as in-house microbiology, cellular, biologics, innovation and antibiofilm testing laboratories, we have close links with many different global universities and clinical personnel that allows us to utilise a breadth of outstanding facilities and equipment for our customer needs. Due to our extensive links with a large number of universities world-wide, we can utilise many services to ensure that our customers can get the results and data necessary for their needs. For example, we offer imaging services to companies in particular confocal laser scanning microscopy, electron microscopy as well as light and phase contract microscopy. Furthermore, we can also offer physical and chemical services to evaluate the performance of a device or technology. With our in-house and external service offering 5D is able to deliver an unprecedented and unmatched scientific capability to a wide range of industrial sectors.

To discuss your scientific testing needs please contact us on info@5Dhpg.com or call on +44 (0) 151 794 9279.

Customer Testimonials

  • "We have found 5D Health Protection very informative and responsive to the work proposals, questions and final data. 5D Health were very helpful and clear in their support and advice throughout the study"
  • "5D provided an excellent service regarding product evaluation, consultancy and education"
  • "If anybody is looking to begin working with biofilms, they need to look at this course. It is run by top notch people, and they make it fun"
  • "Excellent communication of timelines"
  • “Always happy to discuss test methods and results with us”
  • “All testing was conducted as agreed, clear and professional report supplied”
  • "Very quick response to the initial request. Very professional and helpful advice to the requested studies. Very Supportive staff"
  • "If not for this course, we would likely never be able to get our lab up and running in a timely manner. This was a HUGE time saver in the long run"

5D Accomplishments, Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Bradford Logo
  • Cardiff University


5D Health Protection Group Ltd

Accelerator Building
1 Daulby Street
L7 8XZ
United Kingdom


+44 (0) 151 702 9492

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